class Pendulum_1(OpenAIGym):
"A function that creates an runs the Pendulum-v1 environment from OpenAI Gym. Parameter: The environment name. Flag to display environment. Links: Link to the action function."
# from obs[0], indices
# 0 cos(theta) - +1 is up, -1 is down, 0 is left and right
# 1 sin(theta) - +1 is left, -1 is right, 0 is up and down
# 2 theta dot - +dot is anti-clockwise, -dot is clockwise
# 3 theta dot - normalised to +/- 1
# 4 theta +1/-1 (added here) 1 is pointing upwards, + is anti-clockwise, - is clockwise
# reward - -(theta^2 + 0.1*theta_dt^2 + 0.001*action^2)
def __init__(self, render=False, render_mode="rgb_array", video_wrap=False, value=0, name="Pendulum_1",
=None, links=None, new_name=True, namespace=None,**cargs):
seedsuper().__init__('Pendulum-v1', render=render, render_mode=render_mode, video_wrap=video_wrap, value=value, name=name, seed=seed,
=links, new_name=new_name, namespace=namespace, **cargs)
def process_hierarchy_values(self):
self.hierarchy_values = self.links[0].get_value()
def process_actions(self):
def apply_actions_get_obs(self):
return self.env.step([self.hierarchy_values])
def parse_obs(self):
self.value = self.obs[0]
self.reward = -self.obs[1]
self.done = self.obs[2] = self.obs[3]
def process_values(self):
= self.obs[0][2]/8.0
vel self.value = np.append(self.value, vel)
= math.copysign(math.acos(self.obs[0][0]), self.obs[0][1])/math.pi
x #theta = 100 - (10 * math.copysign(1-abs(x), x))
= 100 - (10 * x)
theta self.value = np.append(self.value, theta)
class Factory:
def create(self, seed=None): return Pendulum_1(seed=seed)
class FactoryWithNamespace:
def create(self, namespace=None, seed=None): return Pendulum_1(namespace=namespace, seed=seed)
EnvironmentFactory ()
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
ControlEnvironment (name=None, value=None, links=None, new_name=True, namespace=None)
Abstract ControlEnvironment
OpenAIGym (env_name=None, render=False, render_mode='rgb_array', video_wrap=False, value=0, name='gym', seed=None, links=None, new_name=True, early_termination=False, namespace=None, **cargs)
A function that creates and runs an environment from OpenAI Gym. Parameter: The environment name. Flag to display environment. Links: Link to the action function.
CartPoleV1 (render=False, render_mode='rgb_array', video_wrap=False, value=0, name='CartPoleV1', seed=None, links=None, new_name=True, namespace=None, **cargs)
A function that creates an runs the CartPole-v1 environment from OpenAI Gym. Parameter: The environment name. Flag to display environment. Links: Link to the action function.
CartPoleDV1 (render=False, render_mode='rgb_array', video_wrap=False, value=0, name='CartPoleD-v1', seed=None, links=None, new_name=True, namespace=None, **cargs)
A function that creates an runs the CartPole-v1 environment from OpenAI Gym. Parameter: The environment name. Flag to display environment. Links: Link to the action function.
Pendulum (render=False, render_mode='rgb_array', video_wrap=False, value=0, name='Pendulum', seed=None, links=None, new_name=True, namespace=None, **cargs)
A function that creates an runs the Pendulum-v1 environment from OpenAI Gym. Parameter: The environment name. Flag to display environment. Links: Link to the action function.
MountainCarV0 (render=False, render_mode='rgb_array', video_wrap=False, value=0, name='MountainCarV0', seed=None, links=None, new_name=True, namespace=None, **cargs)
A function that creates and runs the MountainCar-v0 environment from OpenAI Gym. Parameter: The environment name. Flag to display environment. Links: Link to the action function.
MountainCarContinuousV0 (render=False, render_mode='rgb_array', video_wrap=False, value=0, name='MountainCarContinuousV0', seed=None, links=None, new_name=True, early_termination=True, namespace=None, **cargs)
A function that creates and runs the MountainCarContinuous-v0 environment from OpenAI Gym. Parameter: The environment name. Flag to display environment. Links: Link to the action function.
WindTurbine (value=0, name='WindTurbine', links=None, new_name=True, namespace=None, seed=None, **cargs)
A function that creates and runs the YawEnv environment for a wind turbine. Indexes 0 - action, 1 - yaw error, 2 - wind direction, 3 - wind speed (ignore 0).
VelocityModel (mass=50, value=0, name='VelocityModel', links=None, num_links=1, new_name=True, indexes=0, namespace=None, **cargs)
A simple model of a moving object of a particular mass. Parameters: The environment name, mass. Links: Link to the action function.
DummyModel (name='World', value=0, links=None, new_name=True, namespace=None, seed=None, **cargs)
Base class of a PCT function. This class is not used directly by developers, but defines the functionality common to all.
WebotsWrestler (render=False, value=0, name='WebotsWrestler', seed=None, links=None, new_name=True, early_termination=True, namespace=None)
A function that creates and runs a Webots Wrestler robot.
WebotsWrestlerSupervisor (render=False, value=0, name='WebotsWrestlerSupervisor', seed=None, links=None, new_name=True, early_termination=True, namespace=None)
A function that creates and runs a Webots Wrestler robot.
Bridge (render=False, value=0, name='Bridge', seed=None, links=None, new_name=True, early_termination=True, namespace=None)
An environment function with sensors set by external system.
MicroGrid (value=0, name='MicroGrid', links=None, new_name=True, namespace=None, seed=None, **cargs)
A function that creates and runs the microgrid environment for an energy management system.
‘Deep reinforcement learning for energy management in a microgrid with flexible demand.’
Taha Abdelhalim Nakabi, Pekka Toivanen.
Inputs - st = [SoCt, BSCt, Cbt, Tt, Gt, Put, Lb,t, t].
0 - ISC - the average SoC (state-of-charge) of the TCLs,
1 - IL - the current load value of the daily consumption pattern.
2 - IPC - the pricing counter,
3 - IBS - the battery SoC,
4 - IEG - the energy generation,
5 - IT - the temparature,
6 - IEP - the electricty prices,
7 - ITS - the time step,
0 - TCL action, Atcl,
1 - price action, Ap,
2 - energy deficiency action, Ad,
3 - energy excess action, Ae
from pct.microgrid import MicroGridEnv0Plus
= MicroGrid(seed=1)
env env.summary()
MicroGrid MicroGrid | 0
ARC (value:float=0, name:str='ARC', links:Optional[List]=None, new_name:bool=True, render:bool=False, seed:int=None, namespace:Optional[str]=None, **cargs:dict)
A function that creates and runs an ARC environment from a file given the rask code.
= ARC()
env 1))
env.add_link(Constant(# env.add_link(Constant(0))
= { 'dir': 'C:\\packages\\arc-prize-2024', 'file_prefix':'arc-agi_training_', 'code':'007bbfb7', 'dataset': 'train', 'control_set': ['dims'], 'input_set': ['env']}
properties # file_name = os.path.join(properties['dir'], properties['file_prefix']) + 'challenges.json'
# challenges_manager = ChallengesDataManager(file_name)
# data = challenges_manager.get_data_for_key(properties['code'])
# properties['data']=data
# env.set_properties(properties)
# env.set_render(True)
# env.reset()
# print(
# for i in range(6):
# state = env()
# env.summary()
# # print()
# print(env.get_config())
# print()
# print(env.output_string())
# print()
# print(state)
# env.close()
OpenAI Gym
An example showing how to use an OpenAI Gym function. And how to have another function which accesses one of the values of the gym environment.
from pct.functions import Constant
from pct.functions import IndexedParameter
from pct.putils import FunctionsList
from pct.functions import Proportional
= OpenAIGym("Acrobot-v1", render=render, seed=1)
acrobot =acrobot.namespace
namespace1, namespace=namespace))
#print(getattr(acrobot, "reward"))
The IndexedParameter type retrieves a value from a linked function based upon an index.
= IndexedParameter(0, name="cos_angle1", namespace=namespace)
{'type': 'IndexedParameter', 'name': 'cos_angle1', 'value': 0, 'links': {0: 'gym'}, 'index': 0}
= Pendulum(render=True, namespace=namespace, seed=1)
pen 1], namespace=namespace))
pen.add_link(Constant([print(pen.get_config()), verbose=True)
# why TypeError: size must be two numbers?
{'type': 'Pendulum', 'name': 'Pendulum', 'value': 0, 'links': {0: 'constant1'}, 'env_name': 'Pendulum-v1', 'reward': 0, 'done': False, 'info': {}}
Velocity Model
= VelocityModel(name='VelocityModel', namespace=namespace)
vm 1, name='mycon'))
= vm.get_config()
config print(config)
assert config == {'type': 'VelocityModel', 'name': 'VelocityModel', 'value': 0, 'links': {0: 'mycon'}, 'mass': 50}
=10, verbose=True)
VelocityModel VelocityModel | 0 | links mycon
{'type': 'VelocityModel', 'name': 'VelocityModel', 'value': 0, 'links': {0: 'mycon'}, 'mass': 50}
0.020 0.040 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.120 0.140 0.160 0.180 0.200