= RootMeanSquareError()
rms for i in range(10):
rms(i)= rms.get_error_response()
er print(er)
assert er == 5.338539126015656
BaseErrorType (flip_error_response=False)
Base class of a type error response. This class is not used direclty by developers, but defines the interface common to all.
RootSumSquaredError (flip_error_response=False)
The square root of the sum of the square of the errors.
RootMeanSquareError (flip_error_response=False)
The square root of the mean of the sum of the square of the errors.
SummedError (flip_error_response=False)
Sum of all errors.
CurrentError (flip_error_response=False)
The current error, rather than a function of the historical values.
SmoothError (flip_error_response=False)
The exponential smoothed value of the error.
MovingSumError (flip_error_response=False)
The moving sum of the error.
MovingAverageError (flip_error_response=False)
The moving average of the error.
BaseErrorCollector (limit, error_response, min=True)
Base class of an error collector. This class is not used direclty by developers, but defines the interface common to all.
TotalError (limit=None, error_response=None, min=None, **cargs)
A class to collect all the errors of the control system run.
TopError (limit=None, error_response=None, min=None, **cargs)
A class to collect all the errors of the top-level nodes.
InputsError (limit=None, error_response=None, min=None, **cargs)
A class to collect the values of the input values.
ReferencedInputsError (limit=None, error_response=None, min=None, **cargs)
A class to collect the values of the input values subtracted from reference values.
RewardError (limit=None, error_response=None, min=None, **cargs)
A class that collects the reward value of the control system run.
FitnessError (limit=None, error_response=None, min=None, **cargs)
A class that collects the fitness value of the control system run.
ErrorResponseFactory ()
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
ErrorCollectorFactory ()
Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
rms = RootMeanSquareError()
for i in range(10):
er = rms.get_error_response()
assert er == 5.338539126015656
er = RootSumSquaredError()
te = TotalError(error_response=er, limit=250,min=True)
te.add_error_data([1, 2])
TotalError limit:250, limit_exceeded:False, : RootSumSquaredError error_response:2.23606797749979
et = ErrorResponseFactory.createErrorResponse('RootSumSquaredError')
ec = ErrorCollectorFactory.createErrorCollector('TotalError')
InputsError limit:10, limit_exceeded:False, : RootMeanSquareError error_response:-1.0